Holistic Care Center Asirbhavan

The Holistic Care Center Asirbhavan of Bannargatta (India) is a place for retreats, seminars, meetings and personal rest through silence, prayer and contact with nature.  It also offers healthcare assistance through alternative therapy: herbal medicine and digital pressure (acupressure).

The house has single and double rooms available for 15 persons.


Bannargatta is located in the State of Karnataka, approximately 35 km from the city of Bangalore, in an area blessed with lush vegetation.


Sister Disciples of the Divine Master

Sulender Dodi, Bannerghatta P.O.

P.B. No. 8307,

BANGALORE – 560 083.

(Karnataka) INDIA

Cell phone: (91) 09342595514; 09480606024

Email: pddmb@airtelmail.in


Additional information may be found on the website:
