Our spirituality is based upon three pillars: aspiring to live integrally the Gospel of Jesus Christ Way, Truth and Life, in the spirit of Saint Paul, under the gaze of Mary Queen of the Apostles.
Already established as a temple of the Holy Spirit in the Sacrament of Baptism, we commit ourselves, as consecrated women, to a continual journey of discipleship. Called together by God’s love, we nurture our union with Him at the table of the Word of God and of the Eucharist.
According to our Founder, Father James Alberione, the apostles for the new times realize their vocation in the spirit and the example of Saint Paul the Apostle. He discovered this great apostle of universality especially in his study and meditation on the Letter to the Romans; his personality, his holiness, his heart, his intimacy with Jesus, his work and his zeal for all nations. In him, Alberione saw a disciple who knows the Divine Master in his fullness; he lives in totality; he presents us the total Christ as Way, Truth and Life. Through this devotion, the entire person is involved, conquered by Jesus Christ until he is able to say, like Saint Paul «I live, no longer I, but Christ lives in me» (Gal 2:20).
With special love, we honor Mary, Mother of God, and invoke her under the title of Queen of the Apostles. She is the one who gave, and continues to give, Jesus to humanity, like a branch that is always bearing and offering him to mankind. She is the first and perfect Apostle of Jesus.