Kairos Program

“Kairós” time of grace – God’s time

The Sister Disciples of the Divine Master of the Mexican Province offer the “KAIRÓS” program for consecrated women in order to assist them in responding to the demands of women in religious life today: it is a place suitable for recovering energy and interior renewal as part of the integral formation so that “all may have life, and have it more abundantly” (Jn 10:10).

“KAIRÓS” opens its doors every day of the year to receive consecrated women who seek to reconcile themselves with their history and to rediscover the joy of life.

The program is conducted in an environment of prayer and search for the will of God.  The spaces and processes foster personal awareness through individual and group therapy.  Courses, workshops, and conferences promote the capacity for awareness and internalization of one’s own life and vocation.

The sisters participate in the liturgical celebrations.  They have time for personal prayer and spiritual accompaniment to enhance their experience of God.  They enjoy moments of sharing and creativity that allows them to strengthen the bonds of fraternity, friendship, trust and mutual respect.

It is a therapeutic program accompanied by an interdisciplinary team.  It is open to all consecrated women who feel this need and accept integral support: physical, psychological, and spiritual.


In order to participate, the superior of the sister who is interested must send a request to the Program Director.  Consecrated virgins may participate upon request by their Bishop.

This program requires a residency of at least three months.



Calle Alba No. 1915
Col. San Pedrito, Tlaquepaque, Jal.
Tel. (0133)
E-mail: kairosdireccion@prodigy.net.mx